AmigaActive (2122/2143)

From:Kevin Twyman
Date:31 May 2000 at 23:14:40
Subject:Re: CD-R Audio

Hello Neil,

On 31-May-00, you wrote:

>> That's...lemme see.... 38p each?!!! Now that IS cheap!

> That's what I thought, and they seem fine. I've burned several at 8X
> without error.

8x! I'm sick as a parrot... ;))

>> I have the CD-ROM mounted as usual, but never mount the writer
>> unless I have a CD I can't read. I keep the writers DosDriver in
>> storage.

> OK, that's how I do it. MCP's Auto-Mpount means I don't need to
> waste time mounting everything when I boot.

Hmmm.. I haven't delved too deeply into MCPs finer points - damn thing
has a habit of crashing when I change things :(

>>> That sounds like a screenmode problem. Try changing the 31kHz
>>> setting in the menu.

>> I would if I could - but I can't see it!

> Can you connect an Amiga monitor to the standard video port? There's
> also a program on Aminet to force the early-startup screens to use a
> VGA screenmode, although it only works after a soft boot.

The problem has been solved, by that wonderful all-round good bloke,
Kev :-)
It was highly technical, too - you hit the space bar to get a 31kHz screen!!

>> Damn, I wasn't aware I'd lose all the settings, that explains why
>> the new HD takes a while to fire up, as all the other units, which
>> I had disabled, are probably now enabled, and the device checks
>> them all before coming to the new HD at unit 10 :(

> That's it :(

It's sorted now, I disabled everything bar the controller and the HD,
and it runs up fine. The new HD sounds like a jet starting up, damn
impressive! ;)

Oh yes, the benefits of PFS - I booted up this evening, and thought
I'd shovel the pix I'd taken at The Dome last week into another
directory. BANG! Something caused a crash, on the one partition I
haven't yet converted to PFS, and it's taken me three hours to
retrieve the Hard drive, including re-writing the RDB and running
QBTools over it twice. This was once I'd unplugged and retrieved my
old 1960 monitor from my sons room so as to get a picture!

Still, I didn't lose any data, but that damn partition is going onto
CD at the first opportunity, and then converted to PFS3!


Kevin - Est. 1949
A man with an Amiga A4000T CyberStormPPC 604e/233

Psychologists say people with hobbies are not likely to go crazy -
but this doesn't apply to the people they live with.

Accurate impartial advice on everything from laptops to table saws.

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